Another publication by Archeomare's Seger!

Last month, Periplus Archeromare's Seger van den Brenk, together with J. Opdebeeck and L.A. Muis from the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency, published the book - Monitoring historical sites, 2013 - 218: The use of geophysical recordings for archaeological research.

This publication describes the monitoring research by means of geophysical methods of a series of archaeological sites throughout the Netherlands. The studies were carried out between 2013 and 2018 on behalf of the Cultural Heritage Agency in collaboration with Periplus Archeomare, Rijkswaterstaat and other geophysical companies. It was the first time that a multibeam recording was made of many of these (wreck) locations. This information can be used as a baseline measurement against which future recordings are compared to monitor the decay and erosion of the site. This scientific report is intended for (maritime) archaeologists, other professionals and enthusiasts who are involved in archeology.


Title: Monitoring Historische vindplaatsen 2013-2018
Subtitle: Het gebruik van geofysische opnamen voor archeologische onderzoek
Authors: S. van den Brenk, J. Opdebeeck and L.A. Muis
ISBN / EAN 978 90 5799 321 3
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort, 2019
