New publication Archeomare's Seger!

Last week Periplus Archaemare’s Seger van den Brenk, together with J. Opdebeeck and T. Coenen from the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, have presented their new publication regarding the archaeology of the Lake of Oostvoorne.

The book is a bundle of the results from research done in 2014 and 2015, supplemented with information of all known archaeological sites within the lake. This information can now be used by different stakeholders and authorities to get a better picture of the possible interventions needed for the management and preservation of the archaeological heritage in the Lake of Oostvoorne.

The publication describes the archaeological research in the Lake of Oostvoorne, conducted by the Cultural Heritage Agency in 2014 and 2015. Together with the information from other investigations by sport divers, companies and other government institutions, this report provides a good overview of all known archaeological sites with their potential and threats. This scientific report is intended for (maritime) archaeologists, other professionals and enthusiasts who are involved in archaeology.

The first hundred editions of the book have already been sold. The second edition will (possibly) be available soon via Spa publishers (


  • Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (NAR) 64
  • Het Oostvoornse Meer: van economische verkeersader tot recreatieplas
  • Archeologisch onderzoek naar het erfgoed in het Oostvoornse Meer (2014 – 2015)
  • Auteurs: J. Opdebeeck, T. Coenen en S. van den Brenk
  • ISBN/EAN: 978-90-5799-315-2
  • Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort, 2019